Basic Pool Maintenance And The Perks Of Pool Cleaners

Pool Maintenance Adelaide  is not a sexy topic, but it's important. Sure, you might enjoy spending time at the pool when you're not cleaning it, but if your pool isn't clean enough or has an unsightly algae bloom on the bottom of it, people are going to avoid coming over to swim with you.

However, there are perks associated with having someone else take care of your pool! Here are five reasons why hiring a professional pool cleaner is worth doing:

Adjust water levels

If your pool needs water, add more. This can be done manually with a garden hose, or with a pool tester (a tool that measures the pH level of your water). Test the water level before you start swimming so that you know how much to add if it needs adjusting.

If your water is too cold, it can be a safety hazard. If your pool is too cold, you may also have problems with algae growth and other issues.

If you have a heater, set it to the proper temperature and let it run for 24 hours before swimming. If you do not have a heater, you can use an outdoor or indoor hot tub.

Check water chemistry

You should regularly check the water chemistry levels in your pool. These include:

  • Your pool needs to have a proper level of chlorine, which helps prevent algae and bacteria from growing in the water.
  • If you don't know how much chlorine is in your pool already, ask someone at the store where you buy chemicals if they can tell you—it's usually marked on a label somewhere near its packaging or even printed on paper towels that come with it (for example).
  • pH levels (potential of hydrogen). This number determines whether or not certain chemicals will work effectively when added into your water supply; too high and they won't work as well; too low and they'll cause problems like discoloration or corrosion due to chemical reactions taking place inside each molecule itself.
  • Alkalinity levels (alkaline/acidic balance). The alkalinity level refers specifically towards pH levels but also affects how quickly those chemical reactions take place within them as well - higher numbers mean quicker action after being added into something like saltwater.

Pool Maintenance

Pool Maintenance Adelaide is important. As your pool gets older, it may require more maintenance than the original owner had in mind. It's not uncommon for pools to become dirty and need cleaning regularly, especially if you have children or pets who like to play in the water.

Whether you're looking for a professional service or would rather do the job yourself, there are plenty of ways to maintain your pool so that it lasts as long as possible without being too expensive or time consuming.


Pool maintenance is a crucial part of keeping your pool healthy and clean. We hope you've enjoyed this guide and found it useful, so that next time when your pool needs attention, you'll be able to get it done right!



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