Pool Service: The 5 Golden Rules You Should Never Break

Pool season is in full swing and if you're like most people, you probably take your pool for granted. But what happens when you don't maintain your pool properly? Well, the short answer is that your pool will become a breeding ground for algae and other unsightly and dangerous bugs. In this post, we'll share the five golden rules of pool service that you should never break if you want to keep your swimming area looking great all season long.3

Pool service is an important part of pool maintenance, and you must follow the right guidelines to keep your pool in top condition. Here are the 5 Golden Rules of Pool Service:

1. The 5 Golden Rules of Pool Service

i. Pool service should be done weekly, even if you don't swim in your pool.
ii. Always test the pH level of your pool water before starting your service.
iii. Balance the pH levels of your pool water by adding acid or alkali as needed.
iv. Brush and vacuum your pool every week to keep it clean and free from debris.
v. Sanitise your pool every week to kill bacteria and algae.

2. Why You Should Never Break These Rules

Pool service is an important part of maintaining your pool and keeping it in good condition. But like any other service, some rules should never be broken. Here are the five golden rules of pool service:

i. Never swim in a pool with untreated water. The chlorine or other sanitizers in the water protect you from harmful bacteria and parasites.
ii. Always use a swimming cap to protect your hair from the chemicals in the water. Chlorine can dry out your hair and cause it to become brittle and fall out.
iii. Do not swim if you have an open wound. The chlorine in the pool can cause damage to become infected.
iv. Do not drink the water from the pool. The chemicals in the water can make you sick.
v. Always keep the pool clean by regularly vacuuming and cleaning the surfaces.

3. What Happens If You Do Break These Rules

The 5 Golden Rules You Should Never Break for Pool Service

So, what happens if you break any of these rules? Well, the consequences can be pretty dire. Not only could you void your warranty with the pool manufacturer, but you could also end up with a leaky or dirty pool. In some cases, you could even damage the equipment or plumbing. It's essential to stick to these guidelines if you want to enjoy your swimming pool for years to come!

4. How to Properly Maintain Your Pool to Avoid Breaking These Rules

By following these simple tips, you can help to avoid any costly mistakes and keep your pool in good condition all season long:

i. Keep your pool clean by regularly removing any dirt, leaves, or other debris from the water.
ii. Test the water pH levels and chlorine levels regularly and ensure they are within the recommended range.
iii. Balance the water by adding chlorine or other chemicals as necessary.
iv. Maintain proper circulation and filtration by cleaning the filters and checking for leaks or clogs.
v. Inspect the equipment regularly and fix any problems as soon as they arise.

5. Contacting a Pool Service Professional

If you're not exactly sure what to do to get your pool back up and running, it's always best to contact a pool service professional. They'll have years of experience and expertise and will be able to help you with everything from cleaning to repairs. Plus, they can offer advice on keeping your pool looking its best all season long. When choosing a Professional pool service in Adelaide, it's important to do your research. Make sure you choose a reputable company with a good reputation and plenty of experience. You'll also want to make sure they're licensed and insured.


Pool service is key to keeping your swimming pool in good condition all year round. By following the 5 golden rules of pool service, you can avoid common problems and keep your swimming pool looking great. If you do experience any problems with your swimming pool, contact a professional pool service immediately.

Source: https://miralpool.wordpress.com/2022/03/28/pool-service-the-5-golden-rules-you-should-never-break/


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